Final Countdown to Synod Assembly
Right now, this is about how I'm feeling.
Yes, indeed, a slight panic has begun to set in, largely around some of the tools that are not in my wheelhouse. Robert's Rules of Order, yikes! I am in final exam panic mode. Fortunately, Pr. Tim Oslovich sat down with me today, and walked through the basics. OK, slight relief, but I feel the need to channel former Senator Robert Byrd, master of the US Senate.
The good news, is I held a preview session with our "nones"
We launched into a great discussion on the prevalent question of "I'm spiritual but not religious." If the conversation goes as well this friday, as it did last week, we'll be in good shape.
I'm told the workshops are all lined up and most people are excited to be attending.
Saturday evening's entertainment should be wonderful, but I'm a little biased. Looking forward to our special guest singer:
See ya'll there.