Conversation with the Nuns, agh, I mean Nones.

I just completed an online video-conference call with our panel of "Nones."  (Those 75% of New Englanders who claim no religious affiliation)  The purpose of the conversation was to prep for our Synod Assembly Keynote event on Friday night.  I am very up on this event.  If the conversation on Firday goes anything like the one we just had online, I will be thrilled.

I've gathered 7 people ranging in age from 20 to 60.  What they all have in common is, they are not going to church.  They are a part of the 75%.  They are also smart, sincere and friendly people.  They are eager to talk about their views, and not in a hostile manner.  Engaging the nones is probably the most important ministry of our faith in this day and age.

Guess what?  You can do this too, in your community.  Friday night, I'll show you how.