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“ORDINARY MYSTERIES is extraordinary in how much in-depth theology, psychology, and spirituality are brought together in one book. Here is Carl Jung paired with Howard Thurmond. Explorations into Trinity, Beatitudes, Ash Wednesday. We are invited to a “holy curiosity” and “a gritty mysticism grounded in compassion.”
Bishop Doug Fisher
Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts
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Weird Wisdom for the Second Half of Life
This book explores living beyond midlife's psychological and spiritual aspects.
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“Entering the second half of our lives can toss us into a Dante-like dark wood, where we feel desperate for flickers that show us the way through. In this charming and practical book, James Hazelwood draws us toward candleflames of “weird wisdom” that are both welcoming and witty.
– Sheri D. Kling, Ph.D., theologian, songwriter, and author of A Process Spirituality: Christian and Transreligious Resources for Transformation.
“Somewhere in their 40’s or 50’s, many men who’ve built a successful career and family and life, experience a restlessness and a boredom that is not satisfied using what worked earlier in life. This is a book that maps this new territory and offers much needed skills and tools for the journey.”
– Allen Proctor, Director, The Haden Institute
“Chapter after chapter in Weird Wisdom, Jim Hazelwood articulates questions on the page that many hearts carry quietly and alone. Let these pages be your invitation to go willingly and deeply into becoming a wisened elder. With this book as your guide, you can approach the threshold into wonder, enchantment and the liberating mother tongue of metaphor, and maybe even find yourself at home there.”
- Jennie Isbell Shinn, M.Div., LMT, Spiritual Director and Dreamworker.
Also Available “Everyday Spirituality”
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“Everyday Spirituality is exactly what the title says – an invitation to honor ordinary experiences as holy ground. We don’t have to go to on a retreat or sign up for spirituality lessons – we can stay where we are and sense divine presence in what we do each day. Hazelwood’s writing is so conversational that at times I started talking to him even though he wasn’t in the room. He weaves together insights from scripture and theology with his own experiences and stories he has received from others. He does this so naturally we hardly notice -- we simply travel with him and go happily. Hazelwood writes with the heart of a pastor and a mystic. Like the poet Mary Oliver he isn’t afraid to say, “I don’t know exactly what a prayer is/I do know how to pay attention…” This book will help every reader pay attention, too.”
Barbara K. Lundblad
Joe R. Engle Professor of Preaching Emeritus
Union Theological Seminary in New York City
“We in the church have been too quick and too comfortable drawing lines between the sacred and secular, between the holy and profane. In this gem of a book, James Hazelwood invites us to blur those lines and to see all of life as a spiritual practice, a sacred journey, holy ground. This book will refresh your perspective on your daily work, your relationships, yourself, and your world.”
– The Rev. Keith Anderson,
author of The Digital Cathedral: Networked Ministry in a Wireless World, and pastor of Upper Dublin Lutheran Church in Ambler, Pennsylvania