Nine Minutes of Prayer June 1, 2020

To the People of the New England Synod

In the past week we have witnessed an expression of righteous indignation. During a global pandemic, a crisis in our democracy and a rapid economic decline, we experienced the horrific killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, which followed the recent deaths of other African Americans, namely Ahmaud Arberry, Breonna Taylor and Dreasjon (Sean) Reed. In cities across this country, protests have broken out.  In many cases these protests are peaceful. In others they have turned violent.

I believe we are witnessing an expression of outrage, lament and grief. This past weekend I turned to the Psalms as a source to give my heart and mind expression of what I am feeling. I recorded an excerpt which you can view here

Last Friday, my colleagues in the Conference of Bishops and I released a statement (view here) recommitting ourselves to addressing racism and white supremacy. On Sunday, I listened to several sermons from Pastors in our Synod as they addressed the subject of Racism on Pentecost Sunday.

As a baptized child of God, I am called to love one another as God has loved me. One of the ways I express that love for one another is in speaking out against racism and white supremacy.  As St. Paul writes, “When one part of us is wounded we are all wounded.”   It is in that spirit I stand with those who are targets of racist ideologies and actions.

In our country today there is more rhetoric of hostility than I can recall in my lifetime. Candidly, it frightens me. If I were a person of color, it would terrify me. While the wanton destruction and harm of property and persons cannot be condoned, protesting of conditions of oppression, brutality and murder is appropriate.

As faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, who himself was brutally murdered, I am asking all of us to pause today, (Monday, June 1) at 5:00p.m. for 9 minutes of prayer

Join with others in this silence via telephone, Zoom or other platforms. Nine minutes is a long time to hold silence. Breathe in the silence, remember your breaths and commit in that time too use your breath to speak out and act in justice for all.  If you wish, you may also pray this prayer

A Prayer for the Power of the Spirit among the People of God
God of all power and love, we give thanks for your unfailing presence 
and the hope you provide in times of uncertainty and loss. 
Send your Holy Spirit to enkindle in us your holy fire. 
Revive us to live as Christ’s body in the world: 
a people who pray, worship, learn, break bread, share life, heal neighbors, 
bear good news, seek justice, rest and grow in the Spirit. 
Wherever and however we gather, 
unite us in common prayer and send us in common mission, 
that we and the whole creation might be restored and renewed, 
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Oración por el Espíritu en tiempos de incertidumbre y desplazamiento
Dios de todo poder y amor, te damos gracias por tu constante presencia y por la esperanza que brindas en tiempos de incertidumbre y de pérdida. Envía tu Espíritu Santo a encender en nosotros tu fuego santo. Revívenos para vivir como cuerpo de Cristo en el mundo: un pueblo que ora, adora, parte el pan, comparte la vida, atiende a sus prójimos, es portador de buenas nuevas, busca la justicia, descansa y crece en el Espíritu. Dondequiera y de cualquier manera que nos reunamos, únenos en oración comunitaria y envíanos en una misión común: que nosotros y toda la creación podamos ser restaurados y renovados, mediante Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amén.

Bishop James Hazelwood

New England Synod- ELCA 
