Resources for Understanding and Addressing the Racial Divide

Our partnership with the Lilly Funded Project in New England with the UCC and the Episcopal Church has another resource. Through the Together We Thrive project, we are pleased to announce a new resource group being formed for those pastors and deacons wishing to understand and address anti-racism. If this is something in which you have an interest, see the announcement below and contact Rev. Heather Mabrouk at

Anti-Racism Group:

A clergy accountability group is being formed for clergy who want to regularly engage with a racially mixed group of experienced anti-racist practitioners. The group gatherings will be led by Dr. Donique McIntosh, the Minister for Racial Justice for the Southern New England Conference of the United Church of Christ and another facilitator, who is yet TBD.

In addition, I offer you these resources within our synod:

Over the years, I’ve observed the most effective way for our congregations to wrestle with the dynamics of racism is by learning about the local work that people are doing in this area. This is not to discredit broader initiatives that have value as well. What I’ve seen happening in some of our congregations and communities gives me hope that the slow persistent work being done has the potential to change our communities.

This resource guide consists primarily of individuals you may wish to contact as you consider how best to engage your congregation in areas of anti-racism training. Obviously, it is not an exhaustive list, but it is a beginning. If you have suggestions you’d like to add, please send them to, so we can update this paper. The intent is to make this a living document that is updated often.

I’ve intentionally chosen to make this a list of people, as opposed to publications and media. The people here can offer first-hand experience, organizations they have worked with, and wisdom from what has been productive and what has been less helpful.

I pray that the resources below can be of help in this important area in our synod.

Sincerely in Christ,

Bishop James Hazelwood

Anti-Racism Resource Persons 

Pastor Arnold Thomas has led a months-long series on "Racism in America” in Jericho, Vermont. He is more than happy to talk with people about what resources he has used and what worked best. I will be doing a podcast interview with Arnold later in March 2020.

Pastor Linda Forsberg and her husband Ted are now trained co-facilitators in this field. They are available for workshops with interested

Lay Minister Jeanette Harris and Pastor Marjo Anderson have worked together in Bridgeport, CT, for years. They have experience working as colleagues in a congregation together and may be helpful resources. marjoanderson@aol.comand

Pastor Nathan Pipho is doing extensive work in his community and congregation and has offered to be a resource person to congregations wishing to explore this work. Among the resources he has found most helpful, he recommends Sparkhouse Publishing “Dialogues on Race.” He serves as Pastor at Trinity in Worcester, MA

Greater Hartford Congregations engaging in Anti-Racism Training through GHIAA. Anti-Racism training is one of several foci of this community organizing effort in the Hartford area. Contact Pastor Douglas Barclay at or Pastor Chris Dion

The New England Synod provides grants for efforts in this area through the “I Have a Dream” Fund. Information can be found at

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