Never Assume - An Update for all of us

One of the Behavioral Finance people I follow is Jonathan Clements on the Humble Dollar. He recently posted an article titled “Never Assume”. As I looked it over, I thought, wow, some of these apply to our life in the world of faith and spirit. Here is a link to his piece, and here are the ones I lift up for all of us.

Never Assume goes in front of each of these

That other points of view are without merit.

That our immediate reaction is the right one.

That silence means someone agrees with us.

That we’re being rational.

That friends and family are telling us the unvarnished truth.

That how we think we’re perceived is how we’re perceived.

That those who are most insistent or passionate are most likely to be correct.

That we instinctively know what will make us happy.

That our life in the years ahead will be similar to today.

That our recollection is correct.

A Never Assume on these will help all of us
