How your congregation can save $ on health insurance
Are you a lay leader of a New England Synod congregation? Would you like to have your congregation save 2% on it's health insurance costs? If your pastor or other staff who receive their coverage through Portico Benefit Services, take a short survey by April 30, you'll save money. Plus the pastor or rostered leader will get $150 to spend on medically related expenses.
Ask your pastor and his/her spouse today
April 30 is our deadline to save!
And remember, by taking the assessment, you'll be taking stock of your health and earning $150 wellness dollars. Healthy leaders do enhance lives and ultimately create a healthier ELCA community. If your spouse has ELCA-Primary health benefits and completes the Mayo Clinic health assessment, too, you'll receive another $150 wellness dollars and will help us earn our synod-wide 2% discount on health contributions.
"But," you say, "I'm not on an ELCA-sponsored health plan!" That's OK, your pastor probably is, and you can help us out, too! Ask him or her if he/she has taken the assessment. If the answer is "no," remind him/her that there's real savings at stake for each of our congregations. For the cost of a small amount of time and effort, you and your pastor will help us all save big!
New this year: To take the Mayo Clinic health assessment, access Mayo Clinic Healthy Living online directly through myPortico - no separate Mayo Clinic ID and password necessary. Go to for details.