Spring Bishop on a Bike Tour
Join me as I visit every conference of the New England Synod this spring to present "The NeXt CHurch"
more info to come shortly at nesynod.org/2020
I am coming to your conference, and I'd like you to come and bring members of your congregation.
What will be the focus of this event?
- A chance to orient assembly voting members to some key decisions we face as a synod.
- Our church and congregations are in the midst of change. How will we respond?
- We are all facing financials challenges. What are new/old ways of addressing this matter?
- Younger generations seem to understand faith in ways that don't match our current patterns. Are there ways to connect with them?
I plan to make a presentation on ways we in New England and in the whole of the ELCA need to move forward and plan for the Next Church.
I do hope you will attend, and bring as many people as you wish from your congregation.
More info to come soon.