I've been thinking about this #IceBucketChallenge and how it's proven that smartphone videos are simple to produce and effective in communicating. How are you using the movie studio in your pocket to communicate with your people? Here are some ideas you can try this week!
- Volunteer Thank You // After your services this weekend ... take out your phone and shoot a quick video that talks about how amazing your team is and gives them examples from that weekend about how they went above and beyond!
- Devotional Thought // Have you been struck by something you ran into during your devotions that you think could have broader application? Take a minute and record that video and share it on your social media network of choice!
- Behind The Scenes Videos // Is your band rehearsing for an upcoming special event? Is your leadership team working on a special series at your church? Take your people behind the scenes and let them see it! {Here's a behind the scenes video I shot on a clean water trip last spring that got huge traction in our church ... I loved helping people hear from the field!}
- Quick Interviews // Even though selfie videos can be super effective in communicating what you need to ... grab another church leader, bring them in front of the camera and get their take on what's going on. The added dynamic of another person will give the video lots more energy!
- Family Ministry to Parents // Much of what happens in our family ministry environments is now hidden behind security barriers so the "wrong people" don't have access to kids. One of the downsides of this is that parents don't often get to see what happens in your ministry area. Take a video this weekend and send it to your parents so they can see the good stuff you're doing!
- Pre-Game Video // Videos shot with your smart phone can we be viewed almost instantaneously by your community ...why not shoot a video before a special event or weekend service and send it your volunteers to get them excited about your time together. Let them in on how you are doing going into the weekend ... and thank them for serving!
Here are four simple tips to remember when shooting video with your smartphone to make the most of them!
- Simple Script // Taking a minute to write out even a simple script can ensure you don't ramble on and on. I will often use post-it notes on the back of the phone with a few talking points to keep me on track. Doesn't need to be complex but you do need to plan it out.
- Look Into The Sun // Shooting outdoors ensures the best lighting possible for your smartphone. You want the smartphone between you and the sun ... so remember that you'll always be looking into the sun to ensure the best light. If you are shooting indoors ... make sure you are looking to the lights!
- Reduce the Shake // It's easy to make people seasick with a shaky image ... try to stabilize the shot as much as possible. You can do this by setting it on a table across the room or even holding your arm out straight will help reduce the shake.
- Clear Sound Trumps // People need to be able to hear you ... speak up and speak clearly. You'll need to speak louder than you would normally feel comfortable doing in a conversation. If you want to take it up a level a simple mic to clip onto your shirt can make a huge difference.