The Willow Creek Leadership Summit

For 12 of the last twenty years I've gone to the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit.  I missed the first year that Bono spoke, when he criticized churches for not doing enough about global poverty.  I was in Honduras at the time, so I didn't feel so bad.  Each year the summit provides speakers on a wide variety of subjects all related to the subject of growing as a leader.

You are a leader.  Whether you are leading yourself, a family, a church, a division, a company.  Leadership is something that needs constant attention.  In short, I'm trying to say that everyone benefits from growing their leadership.

This year we had 32 people at the Rehoboth, MA site, plus about a dozen others at other sites around New England.  Pastors, lay leaders gathering to learn more effective ways to lead the church of Jesus Christ.  The topics included the challenge of having difficult conversations, the value of setting a framework for an organization, how to interject integrity into a ministry, what are the mistakes to be avoided.

You can see rough outlines of these talks on the WCA Blog.

Next year, we will gather again on August 6 & 7, 2015.  Save the date.