It's like a 2 Day Summer Camp for adults
If you are in ministry, business, education, government you will benefit from 2 Days at the Leadership Summit. I hope you'll join me and leaders from 19 other Lutheran congregations in New England at the Leadership Summit. There are sites all over New England, but I'm going to the SE Mass/RI site in Rehoboth, MA site cause it's closest to my home. The dates are August 14 & 15
I've been able to arrange a discount for anyone who is a leader or member of one of our New England Synod congregations. If you send me an email, I can send you the discount code. You may have already received it, if you are on our NES email list.
I know of no other place where you can get this kind of leadership education for ministry in the church or in the marketplace. Yes, there is always one speaker that rubs me the wrong way each year, but the other 8 always make up for it. Besides, sometimes I rub me the wrong way some time.
I've been attending these almost every year going back into the late 1990's. I can't recommend them enough.
Here's the link