Motorcycle Procession Saturday at 10:00 a.m.
On Saturday, I'll be installed as the new bishop of the New England Synod of the ELCA.. The worship service begins at 2:00 p.m. If you are driving a car, please consider car pooling as we are expecting a large crowd, and there is limited parking.
If you have a motorcyle, join the Lutheran Lizards. This Saturday at 10:00 a.m. those who wish to join in the motorcycle ride to Worcester for my installation are most welcome. We'll meet in the parking lot of St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 15 East Beach Road, Charlestown, RI 02813. The plan is to ride up route 216, then join 49, and up into Plainfield, CT where we'll hook up with I-395. See the map below. All motorcyclists are welcome.
I know some people are thinking the above photo is what will show up on Saturday. I hope so! In reality, we'll probably look more like this picture.
I have a fantasy that I could look as cool as this guy.
Since we'll be arriving at 12 noon, you'll want to plan on getting lunch in Worcester. The worship service begins at 2:00 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church 73 Lancaster St Worcester, MA. Everyone is welcome, there is a reception afterwards. You are on your own for your return ride home, as I will be leaving later, and I don't expect you to wait for me.
If you can't make it to the Installation, the worship service will be live on the New England Synod website. But we can't bring the video cameras on the ride with us.
Here is our route.