James Hazelwood

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Looking Back. Looking Forward

This is a more personal reflection blog post, rather than social commentary.

2019 - Among the most significant events of this past year, a year I turned 60, has been. the realization that I’m finally comfortable with my vocational calling in life. Like Jacob wrestling with the angelic being in Genesis or Jeremiah resisting the call of Yahweh, I’ve consistently fought this call as a Pastor. After nearly 34 years, I finally got over it. Something shifted. I’m not sure what it was, but I settled into my own skin and realized that this is what I meant to do and be.

Much of that shift. has centered around a realization that I can and have done this work in my own way. For years I wondered what people thought, or whether or not my ideas would be accepted in the more narrow confines of a doctrinal oriented faith. Now, I have little concern for the opinion of others, as well as a desire to express a freer understanding of faith.

2020 - This newfound narrative of freedom sets me up for projects and undertakings that further a more adventurous faith and life. The adventures I anticipate for the coming year a more internal as opposed to external travels. Among these, I highlight:

  • A new book, tentatively titled Life is Not Fair: The Book of Job for our Time. This project will explore the ancient narrative of why life doesn’t go as planned. It will include a similar approach from my last book, where I invite people to contribute their own stories. More info to come later in January.

  • A return to photography as a means of creative expression. It’s been years since I ended my professional career, and I’ve missed it. Not the business, but photography as art. So I hope to bring a camera along on my day to day travels. I’ll keep you posted.

  • A time to study the intersection of Depth Psychology, Anthropology, and Christian Spirituality. This is really a project for the second half of 2020, but I’m already carving out attention for this endeavor. A really helpful book has been Backpacking with the Saints by Belden Lane.

As you look back and look forward, I hope you find what you are looking for as well as the One who is looking for You. What are you considering?