The Post Easter Reading Work Week
I'm laying low for the week after Easter. Why? Cause I pretty much worked everyday during the month of March. In addition, I drive 4372 miles. 1500 of those was a 2 & 1/2 day straight shot from Minneapolis to Rhode Island cause I was transporting my father in laws car. He doesn't need it anymore, since moving to assisted living at the spry age of 94. I realized that 4372 miles translates into three 24 hour days behind the wheel. OK. I'm done.
So this week, I'm home. A couple of projects like priming and painting our basement, which has been left undone for, too long. A major cleaning of my home office. Oh, and then there is Taxes.
It's also a reading week. Here's what I'm diving into:
Heart & Mind by Alexander John Shaia. It's a look at the Four Gospel's through the perspective of inner transformation, using the tools of ancient wisdom, modern therapy and a flair for re-sacralizing the texts. Loving it.
Sapiens : a brief history of humankind by Yuval Noah Harari - Haven't started this one yet, but it looks to be an evolutionary view of how we made it to this point in history. We being peoples.
Poor Richard's Retirement by Aaron Clancy. Basically, it's a mother twist on the Minimalism path that I've written about previously in this blog. This is one of those in-your-face testosterone heavy smacked down books. On the one hand, I really can't recommend it. On the other hand, it made me realize that what makes life worth living is people and purpose. The end conclusion is that retirement is not something one should do.
The Essential Rumi - Coleman Barks, translator - When I went to hear Rob Bell last week, he mentioned in a throwaway line, his love of Rumi. I pulled my copy off the shelf and dusted it off. Wow. This is poetry that sings the Body Electric, and will remind you that God's Creation is something we are all invited to dance and sing with the Divine.
Even the Stiffest People Can do the Splits - Eiko. Yup, won't this be fun. How'd you like to see a 6'7" Bishop do the splits on stage at Assembly. OK, maybe not, but this combined with Yoga for Cyclists is destined to get me limbered up. I just need to do the exercises, not just read about them.