James Hazelwood

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What's Your Story? A Three Part Advent series

What’s your story? I don’t mean the essay you wrote in 8th grade, that begins “I was born in Concord, Massachusetts.” I mean thee deeper story. The story of your hopes and dreams, the losses and disappointments, the successes and failures. I’m talking about the story that makes you and I human. That’s a fascinating story, and one that someone needs to hear.

Maybe that someone is a child or grandchild, maybe it’s a wider audience or maybe it’s just an audience of one. That one could be you, it could be God.

On three Monday evenings in December, I invite you to join me via Zoom for an opportunity to learn about story telling. This is a form of Everyday Spiritual Autobiography. There are no tests, no grades and no mandatory sharing your story with others. What there will be is an opportunity to help you focus on one particular slice of your life story, and explore how it connects to a deeper sacred story.

Here’s the plan - Three Mondays at 7:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)

December 7 - What is a Good Story? We’ll look at some great story telling by Anne Lamott as well as the biblical narratives for Advent & Christmas. We’ll have fun writing or telling a few stories with one another. You’ll leave this session inspired to write a short story about your life.

December 14 - The Hero’s Journey is the classic pattern in western literature. We will present that and see how it shows up in everything from Hallmark Christmas movies to Harry Potter. Then we’ll play around with telling short stories about our own journey.

December 21 - We spend some time telling our own stories after exploring this question: What makes an autobiography a spiritual story? How do we tell a story about our own lives, and show a connection to God, even when it’s not obvious that God is there? We conclude with encouragement for each of us to explore our life stories and tell them in front of an audience of one, or two, or more.

This is a fun, educational and inspirational series for people of any age (kids are welcome) who want to learn a bit about storytelling, and using their own life as the material for great stories. Whether you want to simply learn about story or prepare to present a story, you will learn something. And, we will wrap it all in an understanding of the Spiritual, as we discover how that’s much closer to our everyday living than we thought.

There is no fee for this series. It’s limited to 24 participants in order to maximize interaction and learning. You must register in advance to receive the Zoom link.

Click here to register with Martha, she’ll get you the information.