I've become a follower of the work at Vital Smarts. This is Joseph Grenny's company. he is the author of the book everyone on the whole planet shhould not read, but absorb. Crucial Conversations. The article below came to my inbox this week. I thought there was a lot of wisdom here, and written in a contemporary business style, it reflects the values of jesus teachings from Matthew 18.
I'm president of my church choir's advisory council. The choir has long had a "slush fund" that is used for various choir-related expenses, but it is not administered by the advisory council. I would like to change this, but am unsure of how to approach the "owners" of the fund. These are members of the choir who make decisions on whether money can be spent without any general choir input.
Recently, they denied the advisory council's request for a small amount of money saying it was an "inappropriate" use of funds. I don't want to turn this into the Inquisition, but the advisory council members think we should all have more input. Any suggestions as to how to approach our colleagues and gain their cooperation?
Signed, Looking for Guidance
Dear Looking,
This situation may seem very unique, but it isn't. I think many of us have felt the need to change an established system that is supported by entrenched interests. How do we make these changes? And how do we involve people who believe they will lose power, money, prestige, etc. as a result of these changes?
Get the facts. I would begin by learning the history behind the current arrangement. The creation of the "slush fund," which seems peculiar now, probably made a lot of sense at the time it was established. For example, maybe it was part of a contract the church negotiated when hiring key choir members. Determine the original rationale for the arrangement and evaluate whether those reasons still make sense.
Enlarge the decision-making group. The change you are suggesting should not devolve into a power play between your advisory group and the current owners of the fund. Instead, the interests of the entire church should be foremost. This means involving a broader group of respected decision makers who aren't identified with your group or the current owners of the fund. This more objective group will have greater credibility with the whole church.
Involve the current owners in the decision. Don't let them feel excluded or disrespected. Make sure they have a seat at the decision-making table. They will be the best advocates for the current arrangement, and the decision makers need their perspective.
Maintain respect. When changes are made, the people who created or supported the prior arrangement are often made to look bad. In this case, using words like "slush fund" paints them as corrupt. I doubt they are corrupt. The facts are that they created and managed a system that has worked—at least to some extent—for years. They shouldn't be vilified for this. If the church can create a new system that works better, that's great. It doesn't mean that the old system was somehow evil, unfair, or incompetent.
Give time for the transition. Don't pull the plug in a sudden way. Instead, create a gradual, orderly transition. For example, if the current owners already have a two-year plan for the funds, go ahead and approve it. Let them take their plan to completion, and then get their involvement in creating the next plan. If the transition is abrupt, it may be seen as a money grab, instead of as a long-term structural improvement.
I hope these ideas help.
've become a follower of the work at Vital Smarts. This is Joseph